Do you ever finished getting dressed, only to fuss around with your hair because you're feeling uninspired- or worse yet; your hair is misbehaving and you just don't know what to do with it? I used to have days like this, even after becoming a hairstylist. Now, I like to make sure that I always have 3 go-to hairstyles that I can quickly choose from, and the fun thing is that you can totally change these with the seasons.
For example; my bun of choice last summer was a low chignon with loose waves around my face, now it's a sleek high bun tightly twisted into a higher shape with some small pieces smoothed down at my temples.
I hope that you find this concept and general ideas inspiring. The ideas are just that; general. For example, when I talk about a bun, your favorite version can be anything. My goal is for you to have a plan that will save you time because you know exactly how to achieve your end goal, you know how long it's going to take, and you can choose quickly between the three. Think of this like having three favorite pieces of clothing that make you feel amazing whenever you wear them!
This season it's all about simple and effortless looks like these...

Style #1. Beautiful Texture
Right now it's all about waves so loose that keep people guessing if it's your natural texture. You might get a couple of days out of this style (when secured on top of your head while sleeping), and when that's over you still have the perfect foundation for looks 2 & 3.
New things to try:
Use dry shampoo right from the beginning to add volume and a defense against oiliness.
Give yourself a looser wave than we have been in the past few years by increasing your iron size by 1/4" and also tugging your hair straight while still hot to prevent it from waving too tightly.
You can even try pressing an "S" wave into your locks with a flat iron.

Style #2. Elevated Pony
This is a great look on day 2. You can work with the texture you have already created and there's no need to redo it.
Here's some ways to make your pony special:
Loosen the hair on top of your head by pinching and pulling pieces upward. This will give instant volume and texture and make your face look more narrow.
Tease the fullest part of the pony to make your hair even thicker.
Use a fancy hair tie or gold cuff, or scarf.

OR- Touch up the edges of your already straight hair with your flat iron.
Brush all of your hair into a smooth low pony and accent it with a gold ponytail cuff

Style #3. Tall Bun
This can always be a great choice on day 3 or even 4 since it disguises hair that might be a bit oily. In fact, your natural oils to a point can help in smoothing your hair to the high pony needed to start this look.
New things to try:
Leave the small baby hairs at your temples and in front of the ears down, and flat iron them with a slight c shape/motion of your wrist.
Twist you pony upward for a tall bun shape (about 4 inches) and then fold it downward and twist the remaining hair around the base.
Leave some loose bits free in the back (see above).
Use decorative pins on the back of your head or nestled into the base of the bun for added sparkle.
Leave some loose pieces around your face.
Happy styling!