If your hair has a natural tendency to frizz and get a bit unruly in the humidity, I'll guess that these past few weeks have you feeling a bit frustrated when you spend extra time to look good only to have your style puff up or re-curl itself in an uneven way! If this sounds like you, you might love the benefits of Keratin Treatment!
In this post, I will answer all of the most commonly asked questions by my clients, as well as the important info I would like everyone to know!
The Results
Your hair will be noticeably less frizzy and your curl/wave pattern will be loosened for 3-5 months (depending upon how often you shampoo). You will be able to blow dry in considerably less time and achieve smoother, more polished results than before. One woman I work with is able to reduce blowout time from 60 to 45 minutes and eliminate the need for a flat iron all together! Those with natural curls still have the option to air dry with the result of considerably less fuzz for a more put together look.
Who benefits from Keratin Treatments?
Women with curly, frizzy, dry, unruly (and usually thick) hair love the added control and time saving results from Keratin Treatments. I personally love the fact that it gradually washes out over time, meaning that there is no harsh line as your hair grows and you get to choose just how much you do or don't want to commit. Example; some women love a Keratin simply to get through the humid summer months, while others opt for Fall-Spring treatments because they like it to aid in their blow dries during the cool weather and wear natural curls all summer.

The Process & Aftercare
I provide the Keratin Complex Brand- Natural Keratin Smoothing Treatment. This service is booked for 3 hours in salon and once you leave, you will wait 3 days (72 hours) before your next shampoo to ensure the best results, so it is important to check your calendar in the days preceding your treatment when scheduling. During these 3 days, you will also want to keep your hair in the straight style that you leave the salon with. If your hair gets a bit messed up, you will want to smooth it back out with your flat iron. You will want to make sure that you are only using hair products that are sulfate free moving forward, other products can drastically reduce your treatment's staying power!
What I want everyone to know...
When researching Keratin Treatments, it is easy to find some pretty amazing Before & After pictures that can be misleading and confusing. Generally, you may see a picture of a client's hair that is naturally curly, wavy, frizzy, and dry looking at the beginning of the process, then fast forward and she is walking out of the salon with hair that is straight, smooth, and shiny. While it's a super gratifying transformation, the true results are what you get after your first shampoo (see above), and you shouldn't expect your hair to simply be straight from here on out.
As always, I love to hear from you! If you have any questions on this or other topics I've covered feel free to reach out to me directly!